Wellstone PAC

Photos from our Gala 20th Anniversary celebration at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center

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The Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club was founded by veteran activists from the Civil Rights and Anti-War Movements in the darkest days of G.W. Bush’s Iraq War and Patriot Act back in 2003. The Club’s founders had grown tired of the Democratic Party’s rightward shift in the 1990s, and its tepid response to multiple crises threatening our democracy and the movements for racial and social justice.  

We believe the Wellstone Club’s greatest strength is to give voice to the progressive left in East Bay electoral politics. We have done that through our activism in local and national politics as well as our widely distributed endorsement  mailers

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We need your contributions to keep those mailers coming in 2024. Please offer your generous support to ensure that voters across Alameda County continue to receive the thoughtful guidance offered by the collective wisdom of the Club’s 300 members:

Donate online using ActBlue, or endorse your check to “Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club PAC 2024” and mail it to:


POB 3496

4900 Shattuck Avenue

Oakland CA 94609

Please email your questions to .

Event details here