Dear Wellstoners,

Recall ballots will be mailed to every California voter on or before August 16. The last day to vote is September 14, 2021.

NOW is the time for Wellstone members to REACH OUT to family, friends and neighbors, urging them to VOTE NO on the RECALL.

The recall of Governor Gavin Newsom would be a disaster for California, and the whole country. We simply can’t allow a Republican governor to replace 88-year old Dianne Feinstein should she be unable to complete her term in the US Senate.

Let’s also remind folks of Governor Newsom’s many important successes during his tenure as governor:

  • Science-based approach to fighting the coronavirus pandemic
  • Direct economic aid to struggling families – including rent and utility debt relief, earned income tax credit and the Golden State stimulus program
  • Reduction of fossil fuel production (including denial of fracking permits) that is driving this year’s unprecedented wildfire season
  • Charter school teachers required to hold a California teaching credential
  • Death penalty moratorium
  • Expansion of Medi-Cal to undocumented immigrants – combining social justice with sound public health policy
  • Eviction moratorium and conversion of hotel rooms to homeless shelters 

Please take the time this week to email your network, post on social media and phone the hold-outs – VOTE NO on the RECALL!

For links to resources, and information on phone-banks, canvassing and other campaign activities, please visit:


in solidarity,

The Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club

July 27th 2021.  Gov. Newsom came to Fresno to sign a bill extending health care eligibility to about 235,000 Californians.