The Wellstone Club’s endorsements for the Oakland special election (April 15th) are the result of a systematic effort to learn about the candidates and issues at stake in this election. These endorsements were made by the Club’s entire membership, who voted using a secure web-based voting system.
Wellstone Club members have voted to endorse Barbara Lee for Oakland Mayor and Kara Murray-Badal for Oakland District 2 Councilmember.

There were no second place endorsements. The Club is also recommending passage of the ballot measure to increase sales tax in Oakland by 0.5%.
This election is coming up very soon, on April 15th. We encourage you to actively support these candidates. More information is available at the links provided. And please DONATE to support the WDRC-PAC’s text campaign in support of our endorsed candidates!
Congratulations to our endorsed candidates!
Not yet a member? Join us today – and vote for Club endorsements in the next election. Wellstone members can share viewpoints and questions online. If you’re not already part of the conversation, send an email to .
Please VOTE, support our endorsed candidates and campaigns, and click on their names to donate to their campaigns or volunteer to get the VOTE out. To participate in our endorsement process in the future, you can become a member of Wellstone by visiting https://wellstoneclub.org/join and clicking the link to “join or renew”. Annual dues are only $15 for those age 30 and under ($25 for all others).
In solidarity,
The Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club