About the Club
The Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club (WDRC) was founded in 2003. Many of the early members were longtime participants in the civil rights and peace movements. They believed that grassroots participation in the Democratic Party could renew the Party and achieve progressive aims, which remains our mission today. In keeping with America’s ideals of freedom and democracy, we:
- Advance an agenda of economic, racial, and social justice; environmental sustainability; and peace.
- Support and participate in grassroots initiatives that further these goals.
- Endorse and help to elect candidates who will represent these values in public office.
- Join in building a progressive majority in the United States.
We serve as a bridge between social justice movements and electoral and legislative politics.
Grassroots Democrats
The Democratic Party has always been a diverse family! It has been likened to a big tent, combining many interests, beliefs, and identifications.
Born during the era of slavery in the United States, the Democratic Party has a checkered history of which we are well aware. We recognize also that, beginning in the 20th century, many significant reforms have been enacted through the agency of the Democratic Party, including
- Women’s suffrage and women’s rights
- Head Start and quality public education
- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
- Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts
- New Deal, Great Society, Job Corps, Peace Corps and Vista
- Promotion and defense of labor unions
- Protection of national parks, wilderness areas, and wildlife refuges
- Funding for science and medical research
Drawing upon this progressive legacy, we can work together to change the world.

Who We Are
Our Democratic club is named after the late U.S. Senator from Minnesota Paul Wellstone and his wife, Sheila Wellstone. They were tireless and effective organizers for peace, the environment, labor, campaign finance reform, and health care.

When and Where We Meet
The Club usually meets monthly. Due to the need for physical distancing during the current pandemic, our meetings are held on Zoom. We have recorded our recent meetings that you can watch here. Information about our online Zoom meetings is posted on the Home and Events pages.
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